Touch Rugby shirts for Juniors in Belfast and Kaiapoi

In 2008 40 Junior touch teams (ages 5 to 12) in the Belfast area had no playing shirts to identify their team. Some parents couldn't afford to buy a shirt for their child to play in and they were unable to play.
Using the slogan 'Kids in sport stay out of court' the Rotary Club of Belfast/Kaiapoi set about finding sponsors from the local business community and from Club members themselves.
With these sponsors in place they purchased 40 sets of playing shirts for the teams.
There are up to 12 players in each team. This meant over 400 shirts.
Each team has a different colour shirt, a number on the back, the sponsor's name on the right front and the Rotary logo on the left front. They have now repeated this project each year since 2008.
The Junior Touch Game has grown in 2020 to now include a total of 63 teams from Belfast and Kaiapoi and this means that there are over 600 young people from age 5 through to 12 years playing each week.