Papanui Club Chat Snippets
14 Sept 2021
Things continue to change and it looks possible, depending on a reduction in new cases and increased clarity on those ones not yet clearly linked to source, that we might see a reduction to either a reduced Level 2 or Level 1 in the next couple of weeks.
In the meantime, we will be having another Zoom meeting at 7:00 pm this Thursday the 16th which includes a 15-minute guest speaker joining us at 7:15 pm.
Dr Duncan Webb who spoke to us earlier in the year will be giving us an update on how things have been going with respect to the Covid scenario et al plus take questions afterwards.
The link to this Zoom meeting will be emailed to all members shortly.
Re the Papanui Club venue, we are still awaiting a return to a less stringent Level 2 or Level 1 before having our weekly meetings there in some form becomes an option.
Denis also suggested a good option might be looking at what is possible with meeting at the Morrison Avenue Bowling Club which I will discuss with him further to see if this is a possibility later in the month should we remain at Level2+.
Mt Hutt 2020
I hope you are all finding things to do that help give life some normality. Larry and I enjoyed a fantastic day at Mt Hutt last Saturday which, along with one of the largest crowds we have seen, we thoroughly enjoyed.
Take care:
President Grant
As the result of the recent lockdown, we have organised to do another Can Collection for the City Mission to help with their food supplies. Many thanks to Lois and Kathy et al for helping suggest and organise this.
A smaller number if flyers compared to last time have been delivered to members who have kindly offered to help to distribute to houses in their immediate neighbourhood.
Once food items have been gathered, please contact Lois or Kathy who will arrange to collect the items, or they can be delivered to Deryn’s house as she has kindly offered storage in her garage. Arie has offered to assist with delivery of the goods to City Mission with his trailer.
This is an easy and practical way Rotary can be seen to be helping in our community where we can all do a little which then helps a lot.
Foodbank Packing
Our club is booked to prepare the food packages at Foodbank Aotearoa, Kilmarnock St. on Thursday 30th September from 2.00 pm.
If you are able to help, please contact Keith Mitchell on or 03 359 1233 to confirm your availability.
Reality Bites Cafe
Our Reality Bites Coffee morning set down for Friday 17th September is cancelled as they are not able to accommodate the numbers during Covid lockdown Level 2.
We will keep in touch with them and let you know as soon as the situation changes.
The Trailer Raffle is Go!
Deryn has pre purchased prizes and Verdi has completed the paperwork for this annual fundraiser. After gathering the final required signatures our 2021 Raffle Licence Application is all set to go … FAB!
Food for Thought in Level 2+