New Appointment(s)
DG Nick Courtney had the pleasure of advising us that Lois Flanagan has been appointed Assistant Governor for the Cashmere, Garden City, Riccarton, Christchurch and New Horizon Clubs.
Denis McMurtrie is a member of the new District Environment Committee and Mandy Bates has agreed to chair the District RYLA organising committee. Deb Gimblet and Arie Geerlofs are members of the District Development Committee while Liz Courtney is on the District Public Image committee.
Nick gave his congratulations to these hard-working Rotarians and noted that their work on behalf of our District is appreciated.
Jim Hudson congratulated Nick on behalf of our Club and wished him well for his year as District Governor.
Quiz Evening
A successful quiz evening was run at Bailies Bar on Monday 21 June. There were 12 teams entered and 9 members, an honorary member and a handful of partners/spouses made up the Papanui contingent.
Many thanks to those that supported the event and also to those who gave items for the hampers and the prize pool. The event raised $1563 for Give Every Child a Future (GECAF) the Australian/New Zealand centennial project seeking to provide 100,000 vaccinations to the children of the South Pacific."
Nick asked members to diary 7th August and come along to assist in the Rotary 100 year Tree Planting project in the Dallington area. This project is a key item in celebrating 100 years of Rotary in New Zealand.
Papanui Bush Tree Planting
Denis McMurtrie is liaising with the Christchurch City Council and arranging for the provision of trees to be supplied for planting in the Papanui Bush. The next regular monthly working bee at the Papanui Bush will be on the morning of Tuesday 13th. We meet in the Bridgestone Reserve (on Langdon’s Rd near the Railway line) for a 9.30 am start.
Wear gloves, gum boots and bring a spade. Hot water for morning tea. All help would be most appreciated.
Lotto Bonus Number Fund Raiser:
Deryn asked members to advise her urgently if they wished to participate in the next sequence beginning with the draw on Saturday 10th July.
Ladies Brunch
The first brunch meeting arranged for ladies of the club, members wives and friends of Rotary will be held at Untouched World, Roydvale Ave, from 11.00 am on Saturday 10th July.
Centurion Campaign
Jim Hudson thanked members for their efforts in becoming Centurion members. A total of 24 club members are now involved.
Canada Day
President Grant, with the support of fellow Canadian Larry Skiba, then reminded us that today was Canada Day.
Canada has a large number of Clubs registered with Rotary International including the Toronto club with ~ 160 members. Imagine having them and their partners over for a New Year BBQ!