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Papanui Club Chat Snippets
29 March 2022
Mary-Lynne Paice
Last week we were privileged to hear from Mary-Lynne Paice who works as a Head Insolvency Officer with MBIE.
Mary-Lynne’s main career was initially in office admin but she also had stints at other careers including a short period of retail while teacher training and teacher relief.  She met Grant at one of her admin jobs with the Ministry of Education’s Psychological Services.
“I started my BA in Canada, majoring in Archaeology and graduated in 2000.  I didn’t really get to do any digs but did work in the BC Museum photographing human bones for a little bit. I also taught skiing for one season, teaching the kids – hard work!” continued Mary-Lynne.
In Canada she did pretty much the same work but, apart from some initial temping, worked for about 5 years for a construction company and then for Mercer, a large consulting company that deals with superannuation plans.
On her return to NZ Mary-Lynne started with some temping, then worked for the University of Canterbury Mechanical Engineering Dept. for two years, and then completed teacher training and did some relief teaching.  She also worked at the Family Court for a bit.
“In 2007 I became an Insolvency Officer with MBIE (then Ministry of Economic Development), and the following year became a Senior IA, then a two years later joined what we call the Complex Team as a Lead Insolvency Officer. “We deal with complex bankruptcies involving companies, properties, and all kinds of other assets, and we also do some liquidations” noted Mary-Lynne.
As an initial IA her team processed No Asset Procedures, Debt Repayment Orders, and bankruptcy applications and did the admin for low risk bankruptcies.  As an Insolvency Officer she looks to see if any assets can be sold or recovered including properties, cars, company shares and insolvent transactions.  They also try and pay out dividends to eligible creditors. 
“We also refer non-compliant bankrupts to our Compliance team who investigate insolvency breaches which can sometimes include prosecution.  I have been part of one prosecution and currently in the process of another” noted Mary-Lynne.   
They don’t get a lot of liquidations, usually ones where there’s no money in it, but pretty much follow the same processes as the private liquidators like PwC, KMPG etc.  In addition she is also a current H&S rep for MBIE, part of the Cashel St Committee and part of the National Field Worker committee which keeps her busy.
When asked what are the main challenges faced in these roles Mary-Lynne identified trying to get in contact with and achieving compliance or selling bankrupt’s assets, especially when clients don’t want to be helpful.
With respect to the impact of Covid, there hasn’t been an increase in workload which is probably mainly due to the benefits people are able to get but this could change later noted Mary-Lynne.  The only other impact has been staff pretty much work from home now.  They are fairly well set up and can chat to each other but it’s not the same as being together.
Mary-Lynne finds that MBIE’s pretty good to work for, flexible, interesting but sometimes challenging. In terms of who would be a good fit for this job, she suggests that they would have an accounting or legal background, an ability to be flexible and be able to deal with challenging people & situations
“Some work can be interesting as we get to see & sell all kinds of assets including properties, cars & farm equipment” continued Mary-Lynne.  She once had 30 cows to seize & sell plus staff have had horses, boats, you name it but contrary to some belief they don’t generally sell someone’s pet dog or cat!  
Max thanked Mary-Lynne for sharing her interesting journey and insights into the work she does with the Insolvency Service.
Update re Papanui Club
Grant spoke to Jenny at the Papanui Club on Monday.  They are currently operating in a reduced capacity while on the Red traffic light level.  This includes not having meals on Thursday evening. In addition they are also currently operating with reduced staff as a result of many being off work with Covid.
As we pass the current peak and move to Orange level the chances of being infected in the hospitality industry should be significantly reduced.  Indications from Govt. at this stage suggest this will start in the greater Auckland area in early April with the rest of the country following suit as numbers and the associated risk of infection reduces.
Jenny and I felt that it would be best at this stage to wait until we move to the Orange setting before returning to Thursday meetings with meals being available. Hopefully this will be in mid to late April.
In the meantime let’s try and keep in touch. 
To All Intending Centurions
A reminder that to those who wish to take advantage of tax rebates on donations for this financial year, then please forward your CENTURION contribution by internet banking by this Thursday the 31st of March.
There has been no change in the number of wild polio cases since my last report.
The response to the single new case in Malawi is to vaccinate over 9 million children across Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia and Mozambique.   So, the need for ongoing financial support is more essential than ever.  
Rotary must continue to make its contribution and achieve the 2 for 1 subsidy from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.  Our goal is US$1500, the target set by Rotary International for every club so we can reach Rotary’s goal of US$50 million again this year.
Please make your payment to:
The Rotary Club of Papanui Charitable Trust
Account #: 03-1355-0661945-00
Reference: Polio
Together, we will achieve the above.
Jim Hudson,  
For the Foundation/International committee
As noted in the Events section of the web page, our speaker this week is Stephen Kearney (MSc, MClin, DipBus), a clinical psychologist and Chief Medical Officer with the Defence Health Directorate.
Stephen will be talking to us about resilience in difficult times, how to look after ourselves, and how to look after each other. 
Given the current environment we are experiencing this is a talk I feel is topical and well worth attending.
I will be sending the Zoom link out shortly.  Remember to copy down the Password as you will be asked for this after clicking the join link.
President Grant
Samoa Container
Helpers needed for Packing of Container for Samoa commencing Monday 4th April 2022.
Trailers needed on 5th and 6th.  Also, an 8 year old amputee needs a wheelchair.  Donations towards freight costs are also welcome.
Please call Stuart on (03) 359 9218 or (027) 269 5615 if you can assist with any of the above.
Food for Thought