Papanui Club Chat Snippets
Welcome to a “different” kind of Chat as we once again find ourselves in Lockdown.  It was a pleasure to enjoy the online company of ten fellow Papanui Rotarians last Sunday afternoon on Zoom where we shared our experiences & thoughts from the last few days and what the future might bring.
Your Board is meeting tonight to ensure we keep looking ahead in what will continue to be a quite different local & global environment we will be experiencing going forward.
Please find below some thoughts for the Lockdown scenario we are currently in from Jacqui that I hope you might find useful.
Grant Paice
Papanui Rotary President
Some Useful Advice re Lockdowns
Clinical psychologist Jacqui Maguire reminded us in a recent article not to judge any emotions we may feel in response to lockdown announcements.
She highlighted some important things to remember including:
  • Don’t jump ahead of yourself. There is zero point guessing the unknown. Wait for the briefings to gather your information.
  • Follow the rules. That’s going to help us exit Level 4 as soon as possible. 
  • Stay connected. We know how important relationships and connection are for wellbeing and mental health. Call, check in, wave when you walk past someone and smile. 
  • Get off social media and stick to the briefings. Information bombardment causes a whole lot of issues in itself. 
  • Ask yourself what was most helpful during the last lockdown. Are you someone that needs that quiet cup of tea away from the family, or is a walk a non-negotiable for you?  Plan as an individual and as a bubble about how you are going to spend your lockdown days.  
  • Take care, look after yourself and each other. And if you are struggling reach out.
An Update from the Westport Rotary President
(Abridged: see Ken Booth’s Email 20 Aug full content)
Last month's disastrous floods caused 71 homes to be red stickered and 388 to be yellow stickered and while all red stickered homes are currently uninhabitable and some will need to be demolished, many will be repairable in time. Yellow stickered homes are all deemed repairable now.
Rotary Clubs and Rotarians have once again put their hands up in response to District Governor Nick Courtney's request for help. Clubs in D9970 and D9980 have so far donated $13,350 and $6,650 respectively, while Rotarians from both Districts and private donors have contributed $5,400 towards a total to-date of $25,400.
In addition to this, we are aware of further pledges of around $20,000, and DG Nick confirmed last week that D9970 will match donations from D9970 Clubs and Rotarians up to $20,000. Westport Rotarians sincerely thank you for your support of our community in its time of need.
(Note: The Board we will be discussing the amount Papanui will donate tonight.)
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Food for Thought