Coffee Time!
Come and join us at Reality Bites Cafe this Friday 19th March from 10.00 am for good coffee and conversation liberally sprinkled with laughter.
Tony Tizzard

Newer Members Meeting
A meeting for our newer members will be held on March 31st. More details from Club Development to follow shortly.

The President’s Blurb
This week we meet at the club to hear from the group that went to the Chatham Islands. I am looking forward to the presentation and understand there will be some visitors coming along. Tony Taylor is also bringing along a new Rotary Associate to introduce to us.
The following week 25 March District Governor Mark Yaxley will be coming along for his official visit.
Each year the District Governor of the day visits the club in an official capacity. Often they speak on the night and reflect on what they have observed so far during their year and what is happening in the world of Rotary. The District Governor also meets with the board either before or after the club meeting for a more in depth chat.
The River Queen cruise on the Kaiapoi river is scheduled for Sunday 28 March 2.00pm. The fellowship committee are looking after this activity but we have booked 30 tickets and need to get our names down quickly or let the surplus tickets go. Please support this activity.
We have decided to have the Rotary meeting of 1 April back at the club - guest speaker still to be arranged.
A contact at Belfast/Kaiapoi Rotary club has been in touch and has ordered a carton of books celebrating the 100 years history of Rotary in NZ "Mana Tangata". I have ordered a book for the club but any members wanting their own copy at the discounted price of $40 should touch base with me.

Thought for the Week