When: Sunday 28th March
Where: Kaiapoi
Cost: $35 per head
Departing at: 2.00 pm
The cruise is of 1 to 2 hour duration (depending on tides)
Bar and café facilities are available on board.
Invite partners and friends. Come and enjoy this highly recommended experience.
A board will be circulating at our next meeting at the Papanui Club on the 18th and again on the 25th March.
Book a place now by contacting either President Janice, Tony Tizzard or Donna Cherry.

Mitre 10 Mega BBQ
Because our Papanui Mitre 10 Mega BBQ on Sunday 28 February was cancelled (because of Covid-19) Mitre 10 have offered us Sunday 21 March as this is available.
I discussed this with President Janice and, as we missed out on club funds from the cancellation plus the catering fundraising from SPPEDS cancellation she has suggested we agree to do this date.
This means we need some volunteers to help out.
This is a good chance to help raise money from the public instead of our own membership. All profits (usually $600+) will go into our general club funds.
Based on feedback from the December BBQ we are now asking for 4 people for most shifts. Some shifts around midday get busy.
We have four rosters as follows:
8:15am to 9:00am: Arie dropping things off, Gary, Cheryl, Janice and Arie setting up.
9:00am to 11:00am: Arie and Janice, Gary and Cheryl Denhard.
11:00am to 1:00pm: 4 helpers needed.
1:00pm to 3:00pm: 4 helpers needed.
3:00pm to 4:30pm: Gary. 2 helpers needed (this shift does clean up at 4:00pm).
We look forward to you supporting us again this time as the club benefits from the money we raise which goes to supporting our current and new activities.
The next BBQ is in April.

The President’s Blurb
Last week we had a week off normal rotary as we would have been assisting the organisers of the President Elect training seminars being held in Christchurch in some way.
Because of Covid restrictions that had to be held on an on-line platform rather than face to face which meant that our services were not needed.
I enjoyed the break as no doubt many of you did.
This week we have committee night so your director will be in touch regarding the arrangements.
Gary Denhard has been in touch with Mitre 10 who have offered a slot on Sunday 21st March to replace the slot we lost in February when Covid restrictions were put in place. Please contact Gary if you can assist with this fundraising effort.
On Sunday 28th March we hope to do a cruise on the River Queen departing from the Kaiapoi river bridge and wharf at 2.00pm. The Fellowship committee are working on the details of that - it sounds like a great outing.
Please remember those on leave due to health or family issues. Richard Hamilton and Angela Lumb's husband Phillip are both very unwell at present.

Thought for the Week