At the April Board Meeting it was agreed to formalise the position of “Club Calendar Manager” a position which Tony Tizzard, the Club’s Secretary has been doing informally very successfully for some time now. Tony has agreed to carry on in this position a job he has very ably undertaken up until now. Thank you Tony for continuing in this position, it is much appreciated. This is a co-ordination role and is responsible for being the “one point of truth” regarding the current status of the calendar.
Any member who wishes to have an item put in the calendar needs to discuss it with the Director of the relevant Club Committee who will work with Tony to have the item included in the Club Calendar. The Club Calendar is easily accessed on the Club’s website. It is important that the calendar is managed in this way to ensure that the people who need to know and have influence of how the Club’s future programme is going to be made up, i.e. the President, Directors and Programme Manager etc know about all calendar entries being made. Tony will communicate any requests for inclusion in the Clubs Calendar to the people who need to know, and programme such requests around other events in the calendar.
John Allen
Administration Director, Past President (2016/17)